2000 Aerosistema
DOS MIL AEROSISTEMA is pleased to offer the most demanding travelers the most pleasant experiences in private flights.
Gain time, privacy and all the flexibility you need when scheduling your next trip. Fly with us!

We are a team of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in the aeronautical sector. Our efficiency in practice makes that both individuals and companies, social works and government agencies choose us to travel comfortably, safely and always reach their destination on time.
Our Mission
To provide a differentiated service based on excellence in air operations and to be chosen as the first and best option due to the experience and professionalism of our team.
Our Vission
To be the leading private aviation airline in the region, complying with the highest standards of safety, service and quality in each of the flights operated.

BAW - Learjet 35
Max Speed of 750 km/h ⇢ Capacity: 7/8 passengers ⇢ Flying range: 4.000 km

ZEB - Metroliner II
Max Speed of 460 km/h ⇢ Capacity: 12 passengers ⇢ Flying range: 3.750 km

VDJ - Metroliner III
Max Speed of 460 km/h ⇢ Capacity: 19 passengers ⇢ Flying range: 3.750 km

BPO - Learjet 35
Max Speed of 750 km/h ⇢ Capacity: 7/8 passengers ⇢ Flying range: 4.000 km

ZMG - Metroliner III
Max Speed of 460 km/h ⇢ Capacity: 19 passengers ⇢ Flying range: 3.750 km

ZTH - Learjet 35
Max Speed of 750 km/h ⇢ Capacity: 7/8 passengers ⇢ Flying range: 4.000 km
A la hora de realizar el mantenimiento de
nuestras aeronaves, es de vital importancia
tener en consideración: las instalaciones,
las herramientas y la capacitación del
personal que va a trabajar sobre la flota.
Para ello, confiamos en CEDMA AVIACIÓN SA. que cuenta con el único taller integral de mantenimiento habilitado por ANAC en el país para aeronaves LearJet y Fairchild
siendo nuestros procesos de mantenimiento
auditados por dicha compañía.
Nuestros ingenieros y profesionales son
capacitados en academias como Flight
Safety Internacional (USA) para darle a
nuestros clientes la tranquilidad de que
todos los trabajos realizados fueron
hechos bajo los estándares que indica
el fabricante.
Así mismo, realizamos inspecciones de
vuelo, trabajos de estructura, instrumental
y capa de pintura habilitada por ANAC.